About Sara

Sara is a voracious reader who also loves to write. As a child, she started out writing general fiction, and focused on M/F romance when she first discovered fanfiction as a teen. She moved on to writing M/M romance and erotica almost exclusively for years. It took becoming more comfortable in her own queer identity before she started writing F/F romance and erotica. Her focus for many years was fanfiction, but she has returned to originals as well, thanks in no small part to partners’ and friends’ loving encouragement over the years. Her current passion is character-driven erotic romance about queer characters.

Sara’s other activities in creative fields include beta-reading, editing, and audio narration of short stories. She also does some visual art that is helpful in managing her anxiety – basic knitting, and coloring with colored pencils.

Sara’s creative endeavors are often limited by her being a spoonie with low energy and a day job to pay the bills. That said, her day job is something she’s extremely passionate about: working as a sex and kink educator in a retail setting, which can be fun, challenging (often in a good way), and rewarding.

Listening to music and singing are musts in Sara’s daily life. Most days she consumes speculative fiction media in podcast, written, or video formats. Reading fanfiction and original romance are still regular hobbies. Much of her time online consists of reading and dialogue related to fandom, sexuality, and social justice.

Sara makes her home with several furbeasts of the feline and canine variety, and a wonderful partner who may not be entirely human.

Sara can be found several other places on the internet:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaraTestarossa (@SaraTestarossa)
Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/saratestarossaauthor/
Archive Of Our Own (Fanfiction): http://archiveofourown.org/users/Pickleweasel/works

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